René AthielVolumetricks2020-05-20T17:02:50+00:00 René Athiel Creative, VJ & Founder René was born in Narbonne (France) in 1980 but moved to Madrid (Spain) 4…
Hugo RodaVolumetricks2019-09-04T20:46:26+00:00 Hugo Roda Author, VJ & Co-Founder Hugo is originally from Madrid (Spain). Circa 2008 he began to follow the steps…
PalnoiseVolumetricks2020-05-20T22:31:29+00:00 Palnoise Author Palnoise is an audiovisual studio focused on content creation and Advanced 3D Mapping. Creativity,… FacebookTwitterInstagram
Javier JuaranzVolumetricks2020-05-04T10:51:19+00:00 Javier Juaranz Author & Digital LED Wizard Javi is a theatre machinist and a VJ Loops analogic author. Along with René… Facebook
Alberto ReveronVolumetricks2020-06-12T17:59:16+00:00 Alberto Reveron Graphic & Motion Designer Natural-born motion graphics and graphic designer. With more than 10 years’ experience he enjoys finding… FacebookInstagram
SpectralVolumetricks2021-12-24T19:49:53+00:00 Spectral Author & VJ Carol A.K.A. SPECTRAL was born on a beautiful and hot summer day in Madrid… FacebookInstagram
GnomalabVolumetricks2020-05-20T22:52:11+00:00 Gnomalab Author & Video Artist Juanjo Fernández Rivero A.K.A. Gnomalab has been actively present in the Visual scene forever…. FacebookTwitterInstagram
CatmacVolumetricks2020-09-06T18:11:20+00:00 Catmac Author & VJ Catmac decided to discontinue his doctoral studies in the Psychology of Perception in order… FacebookVimeo